No-Cost Services for Sexual Risk Avoidance

We Are Here For You

More than anything, we want you to know we are here to protect you if you suffer from abuse.

Sadly, many cases of child abuse and neglect go unreported or unnoticed. Those experiencing abuse fear speaking up and most people don’t know the signs of abuse. You need to feel safe and we will help you.

What Is Considered Abuse?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), at least 1 in 4 children in the U.S. experienced child abuse or neglect in their life. Most child victims are abused by a parent.

Abuse can be many things, but these are the most common:

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is the intentional use of physical force resulting in injury. Examples include punching, kicking, hitting, shaking, burning, or other shows of force against a young person.

The highest rate of abuse is in babies less than one-year-old.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse pressures or forces a child (anyone under the age of 18) to engage in sex acts. The CDC estimates that about 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys in the U.S. experiences child sexual abuse.

Someone known and trusted by the child or child’s family perpetrates 91% of child sexual abuse

Examples of sexual abuse include:

  • Unwanted fondling or touching
  • Unwanted flirtation
  • Exposure to nudity or a person’s genitals
  • Voyeurism – someone watching you or recording you without your knowledge or consent.

Sexual Violence

In the United States, one in five women and one in 38 men report a completed or attempted rape during their lifetime, with 43.2% of female and 51.3% of male victims reporting that their first rape victimization occurred before the age of 18 years.

Examples of sexual violence include:

  • Rape
  • Being coerced through manipulation or threats to perform unwanted sexual acts
  • Physically forcing someone into sex trafficking

Sexual abuse is against the law. NO ONE has the right to abuse you sexually. Tell a trusted adult.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse examples include blaming, name-calling, shaming, rejecting, withholding love, and verbally threatening. The goal of the abuser is to control the victim by using emotions.

The most common form of emotional abuse comes through dating and marital relationships.


Neglect is the number one form of abuse for children. Neglect can mean failure to meet a child’s basic physical and emotional needs such as housing, food, clothing, education, and access to medical care.

More than 75% of the children seen by the National Children’s Alliance were victims of neglect.

Are You Experiencing abuse?

If you are suffering from any form of abuse, we are here to help you. Do not be afraid to speak up. No abuse you have suffered is your fault.

Please fill out the form below and let us know how we can help you. You can also call (251) 947-2111, text (251) 929-4702, or set up an online appointment.


You are braver than you believe.
Stronger than you think.