No-Cost Services for Sexual Risk Avoidance

7th Grade:

“You Are Unique” © Pending 2024

This three day conversation asks teens to consider their self-worth, self-image, and decision making skills. We define the three primary forms of sexual contact, the difference between love and lust, and potential triggers for sexual thoughts. We broaden their awareness for the potential negative impacts of teen sex beyond sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, so they are better aware of the mental, emotional, ethical, and social effects. We equip them with practical boundary suggestions to help them build healthier friendships, avoid future mistakes, and learn how to avoid ALL the negative risks of teen sex.

To review this material in detail, please click the following.

You Are Unique Curriculum


8th Grade:

“Socially Unacceptable” © Pending 2024

This two day conversation walks teens through some of the more dangerous risks and pitfalls associated with the internet and general social media use. We address the general concerns of mental health and addictive nature of social media. We educate teens on the legality of underage sexting, the destructive nature of pornography, the presence of online predators, and give them practical tips to help them navigate the online world. We ask them to be “S.O.C.I.A.L.” Use proper safety “SETTINGS”. Know the fact that “ONCE posted, always posted”. Avoid harmful “CONTENT”. Follow honest “INFLUENCERS”. Seek out and talk to trusted “ADULTS”. Employ and abide by personal online time “LIMITS”.

To review this material in detail, please click the following.

Socially Unacceptable Curriculum


High School:

“Worth the Risk?” © Pending 2024

This class discusses the high stakes aspects of risk taking. We ask them to consider, if sex and relationships were a game, which its not, is it worth the risk of playing? Sometimes in life we take risks, and the payoff is worth it all. Starting a new job, new school, or a potential relationship. When we consider the epidemic impacts of sexually transmitted diseases, the high rate of teen pregnancy, and alarming rate of emotional trauma revolving around teen sexuality, then it does not seem the risk is worth the action. We have students spin a game wheel to play the high stakes of teen sex and hopefully find a winning outcome. In truth, only sex in marriage is a win for all involved.

To review this material in detail, please click the following.

Worth The Risk Curriculum


Copyright pending August 2024. Any unauthorized redistribution or reproduction of any curricula provided above, in full or in part, will result in legal action.

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Stronger than you think.